+2850% Boost in Google Search Clicks Through Content Optimization

Learn we used content optimization techniques to boost search engine ranking, impressions, and clicks for Bloom Bras.

The Client

Bloom Bras is an inclusive sports bra brand in the US featuring patented design adjustable to body changes. Designed by NASA engineers and a celebrity corset designer who worked with Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry, and other curvy women to bring the vision to life.

The Challenge

The client wanted to increase her website ranking by improving creating more valuable content. Previously, the client worked with other content agencies but was not satisfied with the results due to the poor quality of the blog posts and little to no results. Since the client was looking to increase her Google ranking fast, traditional SEO techniques were not suitable.

The Solution

After the ICP (ideal customer persona) and SEO analysis, we realized the best strategy will be improving an existing blog post that have already been indexed and have some ranking. We also created additional articles and improved the interlinking structure to increase overall website.

    The Results

    These are the results of the optimized blog post:

    • 2850% increase in clicks 
    • 6742 % increase in impressions 
    • Average position increased from 8 to 5.2 


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